Reports Overview
Reports: Enquiries

Enquiry Analytics


This report facilitates a comprehensive review of your enquiries by utilizing various filters. You can customize the display based on timeframes, pipelines, and groups. Additionally, a secondary set of filters allows you to sort enquiries by sources such as advertisements, the users who created or closed them, and the assigned personnel. The report also enables you to analyze the current stage of the enquiries and reasons for potential losses. Furthermore, it offers zooming capabilities for detailed examination using your mouse scroller.

Getting Here

This module will not be viewable for restricted users. (Restricted users are users with limited views as created by the admins). This module can be viewed by Admins, Managers, and users with access to the Reports module.

This module can be accessed through the navigation list on your left side of the screen, then go to Reports, then choose Enquiry Analytics which is the first option under Enquiries.

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Using the Report

This report offers powerful filtering and sorting tools to customize your view and extract actionable insights.

Filters Overview

Primary Filters

  1. Period
    • Options include: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, and Custom.
    • Use Case: Analyze enquiries during a specific timeframe, such as weekly performance or monthly trends.
    • (add a screenshot)
  2. Pipeline
    • Select from your predefined Pipelines, such as “Optimized Clinic Workflow,” “Sales Pipeline,” or department-specific pipelines.
    • Use Case: Focus on a particular pipeline to identify performance bottlenecks or successes in that pipeline.
    • (add a screenshot)
  3. Group By
    • Group data by parameters such as Stage, Source, Assigned To, Status, or Lost Reason.
    • Use Case: Easily visualize data patterns, e.g., enquiries grouped by their stages (New, Qualified, Booked).

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Secondary Filters

Using the secondary filters you can drill down your data into more specified categories.

  1. Source
    • Choose the enquiry’s origin, such as ads, campaigns, chatbot, or embedded forms. Sources can vary based on your preferences and inputs, as you can add any number of different sources.
    • Use Case: Evaluate which marketing sources drive the most enquiries to optimize ad spend.
    • (add a screenshot)
  2. Created By
    • Filter by the user who created the enquiry.
    • Use Case: Track team performance and identify top-performing staff.
    • (add a screenshot)
  3. Closed By
    • View enquiries handled by specific team members who closed them.
    • Use Case: Analyze closure rates and success across your team.
    • (add a screenshot)
  4. Assigned To
    • Display enquiries assigned to specific team members.
    • Use Case: Check workload distribution and reassign enquiries if needed.
    • (add a screenshot)
  5. Stage
    • Focus on stages like New, Qualified, Booked, Pending, Rescheduled, or No Show.
    • Use Case: Identify the stages where most enquiries are stuck and take corrective actions.
    • (add a screenshot)
  6. Status
    • Filter by Open, Won (Paid), or Lost enquiries.
    • Use Case: Monitor enquiry resolution rates and investigate lost leads for re-engagement.
    • (add a screenshot)
  7. Lost Reason
    • Options include Duplicated, Low Quality, Price Too High, General Enquiry, Spam.
    • Use Case: Identify why enquiries are being lost to address recurring issues.
    • (add a screenshot)

Interacting with the Report

  • Zoom In/Out: Use your mouse scroller to zoom in on specific data points for a closer look or to view a broader summary.
  • Pagination: Navigate between pages at the bottom of the report. Adjust the Page Size dropdown to control the number of rows displayed per page.

Visualizing Filtered Data

Once filters are applied, data is displayed in both graphical and tabular formats:

  1. Bar and Pie Charts
    • The bar chart shows enquiry trends over time, categorized by stages (e.g., New, Qualified).
    • The pie chart visualizes distribution by a selected grouping, such as Lost Reasons or Status.
  2. Detailed Table View
    • Columns include Name, Phone, Source, Estimated Value, Created By, etc.
    • Pagination Controls: Easily navigate through data with adjustable page sizes.

Exporting Data

You can export the report data for external use by clicking the Export button. Available formats include:

  • CSV
  • Excel

This feature is especially useful for sharing data with external stakeholders or for offline analysis.

What Can You Do With This Report?

1. Pipeline-Based Reports

  • Total enquiries by pipeline.
  • Stage distribution within a pipeline.
  • Pipeline performance over a time range.
  • Conversion rates per pipeline (e.g., moving from "New" to "Closed Won").
  • Enquiries overdue in specific pipelines.

2. Status Reports

  • Open vs. Closed enquiries.
  • Percentage of enquiries marked as "Won" vs. "Lost."
  • Open enquiries pending assignment.
  • Tasks completed for closed enquiries.

3. Source Analysis

  • Volume of enquiries by source (e.g., Flows, Inbox, Manual Entry).
  • Conversion rates by source.
  • Stage progression for enquiries from a specific source.

4. Team & Agent Performance

  • Enquiries assigned to a specific user or team.
  • Enquiries handled by a particular agent within a given timeframe.
  • Resolution time per agent or team.

5. Date-Range-Specific Reports

  • Daily, weekly, or monthly enquiries created.
  • Stages updated within a specific period.
  • Enquiries closed (won/lost) during a defined range.
  • Last updated enquiries (e.g., those inactive for a long period).

6. Lost Reason Reports

  • Analysis of lost enquiries by reason (e.g., “Budget Constraints,” “Competitor”).
  • Lost reasons grouped by pipeline or stage.
  • Time-to-close comparisons for “Lost” vs. “Won” enquiries.

Examples of Specific Report Combinations

Example 1:

Filter Combination: (Pipeline = "Insurance Approvals") + (Stage = "Qualified") + (Source = "Flows") + (Date Range = Last 30 Days) Report Output: Qualified insurance approval enquiries sourced from Flows in the last 30 days.

Example 2:

Filter Combination: (Assigned To = "Team A") + (Stage = "Lost") + (Lost Reason = "Budget Constraints") Report Output: Enquiries lost by Team A due to budget constraints.

Example 3:

Filter Combination: (Date Range = Last Month) + (Pipeline = "Estimated Value > $10,000") + (Status = "Closed Won") Report Output: High-value enquiries successfully closed in the last month.

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Considering the multiple combinations of primary and secondary filters, hundreds of tailored reports can be generated based on the specific needs of your business. These reports offer granular insights into pipeline performance, team efficiency, customer engagement, and more.

Practical Simple Use Cases

  1. Team Performance Monitoring:
    • Use the Created By and Closed By filters to track the performance of individual team members.
  2. Pipeline Optimization:
    • Leverage the Stage and Lost Reason filters to identify bottlenecks in the pipeline and areas for improvement.
  3. Campaign Effectiveness:
    • Analyze the Source filter to evaluate which campaigns or advertisements are generating the most enquiries.
  4. Strategic Adjustments:
    • Use Period and Pipeline filters to identify seasonal trends and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Best Practices

  • Regular Reviews: Schedule periodic reviews using this report to keep your pipeline healthy and efficient.
  • Collaborative Insights: Share findings from the report with your team to align on goals and strategies.
  • Utilize Custom Views: Save frequently used filter combinations to streamline future reporting efforts.