Reports Overview
Reports: Appointments

Online Appointments By Status


The Online Appointments by Status report provides a status-based comparison of all online appointments created during a selected time period and location(s). It is designed to help teams monitor appointment trends, optimize scheduling processes, and improve customer satisfaction.

Getting Here

This report is available to users with access to the Reports Module. Restricted users with limited permissions cannot access this feature.

Steps to Access:

  • Navigate to Reports from the left-hand menu.
  • Under the Appointments section, select Online Appointments by Status.

Using the Report


  • Period: Adjust the time frame of the report.
    • Options include This Month, Last Month, or a Custom Date Range.
  • Location: Choose a specific clinic or location for analysis (or keep it set to "All" for a consolidated view).

Report Layout

  1. Pie Chart:
    • Displays a visual breakdown of appointment statuses.
    • Hover over each segment to see the number and percentage of appointments in each category.
  2. Data Table:
    • Columns:
      • S. No.: Coded number for easy reference.
      • Status: Displays the category of appointment status. For e.g. Booked, Cancelled, and etc..
      • Total: Total count of appointments in each status.
    • The table provides a detailed summary of the pie chart data, making it easier to identify specific trends.

Export the Data

  • Right click on the graph and press Download. The report will be downloaded as an image.
  • Use the exported data for offline analysis or sharing with other team members.

Practical Use Cases

  1. Track Appointment Trends:
    • Identify which statuses (e.g., "Cancelled" or "No Show") are occurring most frequently.
    • Spot patterns over time, such as increased cancellations in specific months.
  2. Improve Operations:
    • Focus on reducing "No Show" appointments by implementing reminders or confirmations.
    • Analyze high "Conflict" rates to adjust scheduling strategies.
  3. Monitor Location Performance:
    • Compare appointment statuses across multiple clinics or service centers to evaluate operational efficiency.
  4. Customer Insights:
    • Use data to gauge customer engagement and satisfaction based on completed vs. cancelled appointments.

Best Practices

  1. Regular Monitoring:
    • Review the report weekly or monthly to stay updated on trends.
  2. Use Filters Strategically:
    • Narrow down to specific locations or custom time periods for targeted insights.
  3. Take Action on Trends:
    • If cancellations are high, assess reasons (e.g., timing issues, customer feedback) and make adjustments.
    • Develop strategies to address frequent "No Shows," such as automated reminders or penalties.
  4. Share with Teams:
    • Use exported data to present findings to your team and collaborate on improving appointment management processes.